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Sunday Masses

  • 9.30 am - Sung Latin.

  • 11.00 am - Sung English.

  • 5.30 pm - Said English.


Weekday Masses

  • 1.10 pm from Monday to Saturday.

  • 6.30 pm on Tuesday & Wednesday.

  • 7.15 pm on Friday (candlelight).

  • Each term a number of Masses are celebrated in College Chapels. See the weekly newsletter for further information.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

  • ​​​8.00 am - 9.00 am on weekdays.

  • 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm on Saturday.


Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation) are heard from 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm on Saturday. 

You are very welcome to approach Fr Paul or Fr Albert for Confession at other times.



Out of term, there is one Sunday Mass at 10.30 am (Sung English). Holy Mass is normally celebrated throughout the week, including Saturdays, at 1.10 pm.  However, the newsletter should be consulted for any variations.


All Masses at Fisher House are open to the public. Masses marked with a dagger () are also livestreamed to our YouTube channel.

  • Adult Baptism and Confirmation
    Do you feel called to become Catholic? Are you exploring what the meaning of life is,​ who God is, or in which direction your life is leading? We would love to be a part of your conversation! ​ If you are a member of the University of Cambridge who is interested in baptism, reception into the Catholic Church or confirmation, please contact Fr Paul, the chaplain.
  • Infant Baptisms, Marriages, Anointing of the Sick and Funerals
    Members of the University of Cambridge and those who worship regularly at Fisher House are welcome to enquire into the possibility of infant baptisms, marriages, anointing of the sick, and funerals at Fisher House. Please contact Fr Paul, the chaplain.

Fisher House is the Catholic Chaplaincy to the University of Cambridge: the collective spiritual home for all Catholic

members of the University, from undergraduates to fellows.


© 2023 by Fisher House

Fisher House

Guildhall Street

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire






The Chaplain: Fr Paul Keane

T. 01223 742192


Cambridge University Catholic Association CIO, Registered Charity Number 1184835

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