Readers' Rota
Interested in reading at Sunday Masses? Please contact Sr Ann.
We don't have a rota for weekday Masses - Father might ask you to read as you come into the Chapel, or, if nobody seems to move towards the lectern, you can volunteer yourself in the moment. Readers at College Masses are organised by the college rep.

Students and young adults regularly help to serve at Masses on Sundays and weekdays, or in the sacristy. As altar-server, you'll help to enrich the beauty of the Catholic liturgy, serving for the glory of God.
No experience is necessary - we'll provide all the training you need! To volunteer, please contact Fr Paul.
Fisher House also relies on a volunteer sacristan to manage the sacristy, including stock-taking liturgical items and coordinating altar-servers. The sacristan and altar-servers are invited to a termly dinner in gratitude for their service.
Music Ministry
Fisher House excels itself in a strong musical tradition, with two term-time Sunday choirs, the Chapel Choir (in English) and the Schola Cantorum (in Latin), and a number of scholarships available each year for organists and choristers. Being part of the choir is lots of fun, and you come to belong to a special community of friendship. Find out more about music at Fisher House by clicking the button below.
Our choirs always welcome new voices. To audition for a choir, please contact the Director of the Chapel Choir or the Director of the Schola Cantorum directly. You can find their contact details here.

Sunday Front-of-House
Could you be the face of welcome at Fisher House? We rely on volunteers to welcome people to our Sunday Masses, distribute hymnbooks, steward at Communion, and manage the offertory basket. To volunteer, please contact Fr Paul.
Tuesdays Apologia Cooking and Sundays Teas and Coffees
Can you feed or water Fisher House? The Fisher Society's Tuesday evening Apologias include a 7.00pm homecooked meal, each week following a different national cuisine. Volunteers are always welcome to help cook!
The Fisher Society also organises teas and coffees after the 11.00am Mass on Sundays.
For either ministry, contact the Fisher Society!

Since March 2020, Fisher House has been livestreaming services to those in our community who cannot join us in person. We have continued to livestream Sunday Masses and some other services to our YouTube channel, where we are joined by a sizeable and active online congregation.
Livestreaming Masses requires a team of trained volunteers willing to manage the livestream from the Fisher Room during Mass. If you're able to help out, please contact Fr Paul, or click the button below to email him now.