Last year we marked the centenary of the purchase of Fisher House. In 2025 we

celebrate the centenary of the first Mass at the Chaplaincy (it took a year to convert the old Black Swan Pub and other buildings into a home for the Chaplain, and rooms, including Chapel, for the members of the university. You are warmly encouraged to come to the Fisher Mass at 12 pm on Monday 5 May to celebrate all we receive through the Sacraments at Fisher House.
Life does not stop at the Chaplaincy. Above is a picture of the newly renovated Library, with graduate students busy at work though it is the Christmas Vacation. This renovation was only possible through the generous support of benefactors. What you can see is the new central desk but the Library also has more space than ever for social occasions, including arm chairs and a sofa, through the removal of the old librarian's office. This year we hope to restore the Fisher Room (the Common Room), or the former Day Chapel, as known by generations from the Seventies. This will build on the wonderful work of the past fifteen years so that present students can grow in their Catholic faith while praying, studying, and relaxing together.