Today is the fourth anniversary of the death of Mgr Mark Langham, the thirteenth Catholic Chaplain to the University of Cambridge (2013-2021) and the first to die

in post. Fr Mark was an artist. He loved to paint and, among his subjects, included himself. One self-portrait from his time as Administrator of Westminster Cathedral, which remained in Fisher House after his death, was presented to the cathedral and now hangs in Clergy House. Two other self-portraits hang in the private rooms of the Chaplaincy. Since his death two posthumous portraits have been hung publicly in Fisher House. This one is the most recent. Painted by Peter Mennim, it hangs in the Chaplain's Dining Room. It depicts Fr Mark in the baptistry of Ely Cathedral of which he was an honorary canon. It is not easy to create a good portrait from photographs but Peter has captured something of Fr Mark. CUCA's official portrait by Louise Riley Smith, who also painted the fine portrait of Fr Alban McCoy (Fr Mark's immediate predecessor), hangs in pride of place between the Great Chamber and the Library. And as much as he is remembered on canvas, Fr Mark is no less remembered, with gratitude, in our prayers. Requiescat in pace.