We are blessed that the different Catholic parts of Cambridge work closely and well together. Term began with Fisher House on pilgrimage to St Edmund's College to celebrate Mass (and where the Dean entertained us royally in the SCR).

Near the end of term, the combined voices of the Dominican Sisters and Friars will sing Vespers in the Chapel of Emmanuel College (Monday 25 November at 6 pm). In between, the Chaplaincy's 11 am Mass Choir - pictured above - sang at Great St Mary's on the occasion of Dr Anna Abram, the Principal of the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, giving the University Sermon. And we were honoured to have the presence of Mgr Canon Eugene Harkness at the annual Gilbey Requiem Mass at Fisher House. As it says mesmerizingly in Psalm 132, 'How good and how pleasant it is, when brothers live in unity! It is like precious oil upon the head, running down upon the beard, running down upon Aaron's head, upon the collar of his robe.'