This Sunday (5 November) Bishop Peter Collins of the Diocese of East Anglia will join us at Fisher House. He will preside at 9.30 am Sung Latin Mass and

celebrate the 11 am Sung English Mass. Bishop Peter has been our local ordinary since December and this will be his first visit to the Chaplaincy. Of course, we are used to hearing his name because at every Mass in Fisher House 'Peter, our bishop' is prayed for during the Eucharistic Prayer. Our bishops are the successors of the Apostles. St Ignatius of Antioch (d. c.107) went so far as to describe them as typos tou Patros: the living image of God the Father. The Eucharist makes the Church. When the local bishop presides for us at Holy Mass we have the fullest experience of the Church on earth. It will be a great privilege to have Bishop Peter with us.