'Living and Loving Reasonably: Refreshing Christian Culture in a Complex World.'

Mgr Mark Langham was the Catholic Chaplain to the University of Cambridge from 2013-2020. He was a blaze of creativity, an accomplished preacher, a faithful priest, whose friendship was a significant blessing in many people's lives. His death in office in the midst of a national lockdown was a great blow. However, his example is not lost (nor, please God, his on-going prayers for us). The Langham Lecture will create an annual reminder of the intimate connection between faith and culture, the Catholic religion and the arts. It is wonderful that the inaugural one will be given by Revd Dr Jamie Hawkey, Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey, accomplished speaker, and good friend of Fr Mark. His chosen topic is significant. It is easy to feel lost in today's world, wondering if our faith has a place in it. The lecture will begin at 6 pm in the Chapel. It will be live-streamed. There will be a drinks reception afterwards. All are welcome.