On 19 October, St John's College keeps the birthday of St John Fisher. Born in 1469, he ensured that the wishes of Margaret Beaufort, the grandmother of Henry VIII, to found the college were fulfilled. Therefore, St John's holds Fisher in great esteem. The college this Thursday will mark his birthday at Evensong and in the presence of His Excellency Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendia, the Apostolic Nuncio, the Holy See's ambassador to Great Britain. Welcoming him as he took up his post in May this year, Cardinal Nichols of Westminster said that 'our new Nuncio is a gift to us, a way of strengthening our communion with Peter and of us taking our place in the Catholic Church throughout the world.' It is wonderful both that St John's have invited Archbishop Buendia and that he will be in Cambridge. Evensong will begin at 6.30 pm. All are welcome.